Online Event

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to 14 Dec

Intra-African Trade Fair 2021

IATF facilitates meetings and networking opportunities with major African trade actors (B2B, B2C, and B2G) and political stakeholders - all ready to make a deal.

Accelerate your reach into African markets:

  • Speed face-to-face networking sessions

  • Hosted Buyers Programme

  • Online business match-making programme

For further information at the Intra-African Trade Fair website.

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7:00 pm19:00

LOOT: Britain and the Benin Bronzes

Join the Royal African Society and the Centre of African Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), for the launch of LOOT - Britain and the Benin Bronzes by renowned former BBC journalist, Barnaby Phillips.

In a time of huge controversy about the legacy of empire, racial justice and the future of museums, what does the future hold for the Bronzes?

Chair: Femi Oke - International journalist & co-founder of @moderatethepanel


- Barnaby Phillips, Author

- Enotie Paul Ogbebor, Visual artist and singer/songwriter

- Professor Nicholas Thomas, Director of the Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

For further information on registration here.

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12:00 pm12:00

Practicing Provenance Research & Creating and Exhibiting: Reparation in Action?

As part of the Webinar Series "Global Provenance. Revisiting Appropriated Heritage in the Light of Inclusive Partnerships?"

For further information at Palais de Rumine website


14.00-15.30/2.00-3.30PM (UTC+1)

Pratiquer la recherche en provenance. Practicing Provenance Research

Modérateur/Chair: Emmanuel Kasarhérou (Président, Musée du quai Branly Jacques Chirac)

A l’appui d’un corpus d’étude spécifique, les participant.e.s du panel développent différents aspects méthodologiques de la recherche en provenance, ses objectifs, ses périmètres et ses prolongements.

Through a specific corpus of study, the panel participants develop different methodological aspects of provenance research, its purposes, its perimeters and its developments.

  • Provenances et pedigrees : documentation entre marché et musée. Marion Bertin, doctorante, Ecole du Louvre & Université de La Rochelle

  • Methods and Challenges of Conducting Provenance Research on South Asian Art. Najiba Choundhury, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington

  • Recovering lost messages - Performative objects of African art from the „Ceaușescu” Collection. Horia Iova, PhD Student, University of Bucharest

  • Adventures in "Paradise". The collection of Lucas Staehelin and Theo Meier from the Marquesas Islands/French Polynesia at the Museum der Kulturen Basel. Beatrice Voirol, Curator, Museum der Kulturen, Basel

16.00-17.30/4.00-5.30PM (UTC+1)

Creating and Exhibiting: Reparation in Action?

Modératrice/Chair: Senam Okudzeto (Artiste)

La création contemporaine et la mise en exposition sont questionnées par les participant.e.s comme les pratiques médiatrices d’une recherche en provenance engagée.

Contemporary creation and exhibition are discussed by the panel participants as the mediating practices of a decolonial provenance-based research. 

  • The Museum of European Normality: Provenance Research, Community Museums, and Practices of Display. Ana Bilbao, Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary Art at the University of York

  • The role of contemporary African art in exorcising colonial debt. Mary Corrigall, Independent Researcher

  • Patrimonialization of indigenous textiles and institutional healing in Guatemala. María Iñigo Clavo, Assistant Professor at the Open University of Catalonia

  • The artistic project “Iyagbon’s Mirror” dealing with the provenance and restitution subject. Juri Caneiro (direction), Beatriz Navarro (Choreography) and Samson Ogiamien (sculpture and performance)

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1:30 pm13:30

Swiss Provenance Research and Colonial Contexts

As part of a Webinar Series "Global Provenance. Revisiting Appropriated Heritage in the Light of Inclusive Partnerships?"

For further information at Palais de Rumine website.


  • 13.30-13.45: Ouverture. Mots d'introductions des organisateurs de la conférence et de la modératrice du panel Esther Tisa Francini (Responsable des archives et de la recherche en provenance, Museum Rietberg, Zürich)

  • 13.45-14.05: Koloniales Erbe un/sichtbar machen (Making colonial heritage in/visible), Léonie Süess (Assistante de recherche R+D, Haute École d'art, Zürich)

  • 14.05-14.25: La collection égyptienne du Musée d’Yverdon et région. Questions de provenance et légitimité, Corinne Sandoz (Conservatrice, Musée d’Yverdon et région)

  • 14.25-14.45: Maurice Bastian et la collection australienne du MEG. Recherche en provenance et collaborations avec les communautés sources, Roberta Colombo-Dougoud (Conservatrice de la collection Océanie, Musée d'ethnographie, Genève)

  • 14.45-15.05: Questions

  • 15.05-15.20: Pause-café 

  • 15.20-15.40: The Transnational Benin Initiative: Provenance research and cooperation between Nigeria and Switzerland, Michaela Oberhofer (Cheffe du service des collections et conservatrice Afrique et Océanie, Museum Rietberg, Zürich)

  • 15.40-16.00: Circulation internationale d’un dispositif expographique créé en Suisse : la « vitrine Gabus », Bernard Knodel (Conservateur adjoint, Musée d'ethnographie, Neuchâtel) et Daniel Sciboz (Designer et chargé de cours, Hautes écoles d'art)

  • 16.00-16.20: Anachronisme et militantisme dans l’espace muséal. Les témoins anciens de l’histoire coloniale (XVIe-XVIIIe s.) dans les collections suisses, Sara Petrella (Post doctorante, Centre interuniversitaire d’études et de recherches autochtones, Université du Québec à Montréal)

  • 16.20-16.40: Questions

  • 16.40-17.00: Table-ronde avec l’ensemble des intervenants

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5:00 pm17:00

Melodic Strands: Blazing A Trail

A talk as part of event series Melodic Strands, hosted by Loom Cluster.

In Conversation with Mr Kabelo Kim Modise, Lecturer at College Of The Arts Namibia

We will explore how textiles have been used as a way of expressing identities and the impact they continue to have, on the style choices of young black people today.

The event is hosted on Zoom – a free video conferencing service that requires users to register in advance. If you do not already use Zoom, you can sign up by emailing us at

If the event is fully booked, or you do not wish to use Zoom, you can also watch the event streamed live on Facebook by subscribing to our Facebook page.

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5:30 pm17:30

Fashion as resistance and power

For further information at the British Museum website.

Hosted by:

  • Bonnie Greer, former Deputy Chair of the British Museum and Co-creator and Curator of the Era of Reclamation series.


  • Christine Checinska, Curator of African and African Diaspora Fashion at the V&A;

  • Eunice Olumide MBE, model, actress, broadcaster and curator;

  • Araminta de Clermont, British photographer

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6:00 pm18:00

Black British History in Schools and Research: An open conversation for Teachers and Historians

For further information at The Institute of Historical Research (IHR) website


  • Hannah Cusworth (Subject Leader for History at the Charter School East)

  • Nick Dennis (Director of studies at St Francis’ College, Hertfordshire)

  • Emily Folorunsho (Head of History for a school in London)

  • Tom Allen (History teacher at a school in Bath)

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